Based on result of data analysis, thus it got the average cognitive value in experiment class = 81,75 and control class = 77,54, afektive value in experiment class = 58,95 and control class = 55,39.

Instrument that used in this research was essay test and observation. They were experiment class dan control class. Tecnique of sample collection is cluster random sampling, which is sample has grouped and selected two classes randomly. Population of this research is all of learners at XI MIPA SMA N 12 Padang, they were 5 classes. Kinds of this research is quasi experiment with posttest only control design. Physics learning process was not able yet became interest the learners until learners’ achievement at XI MIPA SMAN 12 Padang was not optimum yet. Purpose of this research is to know learners’ physics achievement by using cooperative model timed pair share type better than learners’ physics achievement by using scientifc approach at XI MIPA SMA N 12 Padang. Background of this research is the use of learning model that used by the teacher, it was not interest for the learners.